Reckless Racing 3 – Environments
Let’s talk a little bit about the race environments for Reckless Racing 3. There will be a total of six unique environments for this series, never seen on iOS or Android. We are making the most out of each environment and you will be able to race several different routes in all of them.
One of our epic new environments is called – URBAN, which is represented at the top of the post. We wanted to deliver a sense of a construction situation including features of storage warehouses, building sites and a local red-neck trailer park.
Another environment for RR3 is AIRPORT which as it sounds takes place at airport ground featuring a total of 12 different routes.
To give you guys further insight on how we proceed to develop the environments and racing routes for Reckless Racing 3 we asked one of our artists to reveal some of the general steps of the designing process.
“First we gather a couple of people that are a part of the designing team, starting off with collecting inspiration for an environment. Usually this means finding a touch and feel that we want to accomplish and use different pictures and textures as influence. When we’ve come up with a theme feel that we’re satisfied with the actual designing process begins.”
“To start off the designing process we make a layout of the entire environment, including routes and surroundings, keeping the number of routes for each environment in mind. From here on we divide the environment into several parts so that we’re able to apply different ground levels and customize route curves. Basically introducing all the bits and pieces that the game needs to know to make asphalt look and sound like asphalt for an example.”
“The next main step of the designing process is to add all the objects that can be smashed and moved, such as cones and fences. After that it’s usually smaller details that are being tested and moved around until the final environment is ready for launch.”
Stay tuned for the additional 4 environment themes!