
Reckless Racing 3 – Logo

Reckless Racing 3 – Logo

We wanted to share part of the logo build process for Reckless Racing 3. As part of any logo development we start off by gathering the graphic design team and discuss ideas and elements that are essential in order to communicate the game as a whole.

For this 3rd edition of Reckless Racing we are taking a clear aim on a streamlined Reckless sensation. Attention lays on a racing experience full of maximum speed, epic drifting, smash able obstacles and lots of dirt. Thus these ingredients play a large part in developing the logo design.

The design process always begins with sketching up several different logo alternatives. May call it a logo bank buildup of numerous logo designs, where bits and pieces are highlighted and used as we move on in the designing process. The favored designs are basically experimented with in color, depth and size, back and forth until we come up with a design that sticks.

In general a logo build is something that takes some time and goes through several approaches until a design feels just right. For this specific logo some restrictions were held since the Reckless brand already is established and we don’t want to confuse the public by developing a logo for RR3 that’s completely unlike prior Reckless Racing logos.

Here’s a visual to demonstrate some of the stages of the Reckless Racing 3 logo build and the headline picture for this post is what we’ve come up with so far. If you guys have some sweet ideas on the logo design for RR3 we always appreciate your input! Feel free to send us your feedback to