

We’re proud to announce that Chapter 3 is now available for Space Marshals 3! Wake up and join the Resistance in the fight against Ondska in this concluding chapter of Space Marshals 3. As you would expect, there are twelve brand new missions packed with vicious foes and shiny rewards.

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We’re excited to announce that Space Marshals 3 has been selected as Game Of The Year on Apple TV! The team here at Pixelbite would like to thank everyone supporting us and making it possible for us to keep creating games we love. A big shout-out to the other winners and big congrats!

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Hey everyone! There’s an update coming on September 1st which will bring a pack of 12 new side missions. Two are available for free to give a feel what the Bounty Mission pack is about and the other ten can be unlocked with a $2.99 purchase. We really hope you will enjoy it and have fun!

Each bounty mission can either be played in Action Mode or in Stealth Mode. Action mode is similar to how Space Marshals normally work, however in Stealth mode you need to stay undetected and not use lethal force to successfully complete your mission.

In addition to this we are introducing a Hard Mode, where there are limited resources in the levels requiring the player to take a more thoughtful approach to each level. Stealth, takedowns and utilization of all your gear is crucial for success. Hard Mode can be played on any level and is enabled by wearing a Hard Mode hat. You can get the first one at the new shop in Freeport!

What ya sellin’ there?
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*** UPDATE: Fix for the startup issue on iPhone6, 6+, iPad Air2 and equivalent Apple TV hardware coming ASAP in update 2.2.1 ***

We’re excited to announce that Chapter Two is now available for Space Marshals 3 on the App Store and the Google Play store. Chapter Two brings twelve new missions in many new environments with loads of mean enemies and shiny rewards. There are also Space Wasps, mysterious cultists and a high risk of ear infection. Did we mention Space Wasps? There are Space Wasps!

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UPDATE: Discord, SM3 Chapter 2, Nintendo Switch, PGA 2021


We are setting up a Discord server for easier communications and at the same time disabling comments on the webpage.

Please join us at https://discord.gg/aj4zgJP5Kh

We will try to more regularly share information, screenshots, chat about development and what’s going on in a more informal and chilled out way. Hopefully.


We are progressing steadily with the new chapter. Six out of the ten planned levels are in construction. However, building is starting to go much faster now when we have most new art assets and enemies in place. It will still be a challenge to have it out in the first quarter of 2021 with just 4 weeks left. We’ll do our best!

Nintendo Switch

We are finally able to announce that we are bringing the Space Marshals series to Nintendo Switch!

We’re in the final stages of testing Space Marshals 1 at the moment and hope to have it out shortly, followed by Space Marshals 2. We aim for the release of the third game to coincide with the release of chapter 3.

PocketGamer Awards 2021

Space Marshals 3 has been nominated for Best Action Game award over at PocketGamer.

Check it out and cast a vote if you feel like it! 🙂


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Space Marshals 3 – Status Update

(updated) Space Marshals 3 – 1.2.0 update is now out on iOS.

I wanted to start by saying thank you for all the awesome feedback! Both good and critical. We’re hard at work trying to remedy the newly discovered issues and get the game up and running smoothly for everyone.

There is a new game update out on Android fixing some of the issues and we are submitting the iOS update today hoping to get it out very soon. See below for more details.

Here’s the status update of some of the most common issues:

ISSUE #1: The graphics don’t look crisp on older devices
There is a new “low graphics detail” coming very soon out now on iOS and Android. Let’s call it a “retro mode”. It uses some rendering techniques similar to Space Marshals 2 and will be able to run at a higher resolution on older devices.

ISSUE #2: (iOS) Poor performance on iPhone 12
Unfortunately this seems to be a tricky one and is not only affecting Space Marshals 3. We are investigating what we can do. Reportedly the latest iOS update improves the performance slightly. Also, enablabling screen recording in the OS seems to let the game run smoothly.

ISSUE #3: (iOS) Crash on the takedown of Gavin in the tutorial.
There are two different crashes here, both are related to Game Center and are very rare.

The first only occurs on iOS 13 and happens when the OS displays the achievement notification banner. The next update will disable achievement notifications on iOS 13 to avoid this. In the meantime it may help to sign out of Game Center.

The second crash only occurs on iOS 14. We have reports that signing out and then signing in again on Game Center will resolve the issue. There is a potential fix incoming in the next game update.

ISSUE #4: (Android) Graphics are mostly black.
There is an issue on devices with Snapdragon 845 specifically. (835 and 855 not affected)

Switching to low detail graphics in the latest game update fixes the issue. We are investigating for a fix to allow higher detail settings to work properly.

ISSUE #5: (Android) Crash during load on some devices
We have optimized the memory usage in the latest game update which should allow the game to run on devices with lower available memory.

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