Caroline Tinebo

Hanged man’s hill – COR-V token

The feedback on locating one of the COR-V Tokens in Hanged man’s hill has been massive. It’s intentionally placed in an area that should be tricky to find.

Since so many of you are struggling and really putting a lot of effort gathering all tokens we shall not let you wait any longer.

There are two ways of how to hunt down this token. This is one way to go…


  • When entering the mission head as far right as possible. In the area shown in the above screenshot an explosive pickup can be found. Pick this up and head west.


  • Enter a hidden pathway located in the middle of the mission. Next to the bridge shown in the screenshot. Continue west.


  • Go as far west until this area is reached. Enter the building that’s been pointed at in the screenshot.


  • When the building’s been entered the area should look as the above screenshot. With two red lasers on the left and a locked entrance on the right (Burt Wise).
  • Use the explosive you picked up earlier and detonate the blocked entrance.
  • Enter and you should find the COR-V token you’ve been looking for.

If any of the description sounds confusing the mini-map in the screenshots can give you a heads up on where to go.

Good luck on your Token hunt!

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To all anticipating players out there waiting to get your hands on Space Marshals 2.

We got some good and some bad news.

To begin with the good – we’re thrilled to see the game coming together nicely. The new features are really enhancing the core gameplay of what Space Marshals stands for and the qualities you players enjoy.

The somewhat bad news is that the sequel will unfortunately not be ready for you guys in June. There’s still some work to be done before we can launch a game that lives up to the standards we think Space Marshals 2 deserves.

Stay tuned on our website or social channels if you wish to get informed about the latest on Space Marshals 2.

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Howdy all fellow Space Marshals fans out there!

It’s been a while since we last posted about the progress on Space Marshals 2. Thought it was time to give you guys a little update on the development and when we predict the game to be ready for release.

We’ve been working really hard and so far we’re truly excited about how it’s turning out.

Compared to Space Marshals 1, where we divided the game into chapters, we are planning on releasing a larger set of missions upon first launch with Space Marshals 2.  As for price model, we truly believe premium is the way to go with Space Marshals on iOS. Something which we think a majority of our players appreciate and agrees with. However, we are looking at other approaches for Android where the market is tough for premium Apps.

Gameplay wise, Space Marshals 2 will come with updated graphics, ragdoll physics, new animations and not to mention whole new set of environments and enemies with unique features. We’ve kept the stealthyness that came with Space Marshals 1 and turned it up a notch. In Space Marshals 2 you’ll be able to do silent enemy takedowns!

All in all there’s gonna be some epic new features which really makes the game stand out.

Looking at our time schedule we believe Space Marshals shall land in the AppStore sometime in June, and shortly thereafter on Android. It’s too early to determine exact dates just yet, but we’ll keep you guys noted as soon as we can feel confident about when the game will be ready for launch.

In the meantime – we hope you stay in practice with Space Marshals 1. Keeping your Space Marshals skills warm and ready for some soon-to-come new Tactical Top-Down Action!

All the best!

/ Pixelbite

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Space Marshals 2 – First Concept Art

First of all, a huge thanks to all our fans that’s been taking the time to send us your thoughts on Space Marshals and what you wish for in upcoming Space Marshals 2. There’s been some really good stuff there that we’ve taken into account when paving the way for Space Marshals 2.

We’re still in early development but the essence of Space Marshals 2 is starting to form, although there’s still a long way to go before we have a finished game in our hands.

We get a lot of input from you guys and the most frequently asked question that we get is that you want to know when Space Marshals 2 will launch?

Well first of all. We heard you!

Space Marshals 1 began its journey 1.5 years (!) before launch and took around 20 000 hours of work, including updates. Yep, you heard right. Although it was not in full production the whole time, the idea of making a top-down tactical shooter was there all along. Coming down to the fact that it really takes a lot of time and effort creating a game like Space Marshals.

If it hadn’t been for all the excellent feedback from players, reviewers and press we’d probably wouldn’t be sitting here today, scratching our heads on where Burt will go next. Fact is, we want to come up with a sequel that will deliver the same great experience as the first did but instill a unique feel and adding awesome content that we hope our audience will enjoy. We’re creating whole new environments, characters, enemies and all the details that come to it. Ultimately binding up with the storyline.

With that said we are confident enough to say that Space Marshals 2 will launch in the second quarter of 2016.

We hope you can stay patiently excited, knowing we’re working really hard on Space Marshals 2 and making a game we hope you’ll enjoy. In the meantime, here are some early concept art we did to set the feel to some of the environments and new characters.

  • space_marshals_2_wip1
  • space_marshals_2_wip2
  • space_marshals_2_wip3

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