Phase 3 combat video

Phase 3 have entered the final stage of development, which means plenty of play testing, polishing and tweaking. It also means that the gameplay is ready to be shown in the first video! So if you have been looking forward to opponents and weapons in Repulze, then this trailer is for you!

Phase 3 also includes several new music tracks made by Scott Lee. The video gives a first taste of his work.



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Phase 3 goes boom!

Phase 3, the third major update for Repulze was always meant to be developed according to what you, the players wanted the most. And it’s safe to say that opponents have been the single most requested feature since day one. And thus, that’s what we did!

So Phase 3 will introduce enemies racing against you. And if there would be enemies we wanted weapons as well; kind of goes hand in hand. But… we didn’t want to add (much) more complexity to the game and still keep the fast paced racing. The weapons system we’ve created lets you and your opponents activate (automatically) different levels of weapons depending on how many boost charges you have. For an example, if you have one boost charge your light plasma cannon is active, while if you had three boost charges stored your rocket battery would be activated instead.

This adds a certain tactical aspect to the racing. Do you want to hold on to your boost power and blow things up? Or is this a good place to try to boost and break away from the others? It also gives the level designers an extra tool to add more diversity to the tracks.

A track with many wildcard gates (the blue ones) would be an intense battle track, while a track with no wildcard gates would be much more focused on racing. It all comes down to how much boost is available. And here’s the first screenshot from Phase 3. Keep in mind that it’s still in pre-alpha stage, so things are very much subject to change!


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Repulze Phase 2 submitted!

The “PHASE TWO: Break & Desist” content update has now been submitted to the AppStore for approval.

New features and content:

  • Ghost race recording / playback.
  • Bonnet camera view.
  • Slide-to-steer control now available.
  • New industrial wasteland theme.
  • Seven sanity defying tracks.
  • More challenge types.
  • Power Ripper hovercraft upgrade.
  • Magnetic fields, wildcard gates, destructible barriers and toolkits.
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Repulze – Phase two track features

As Phase 2 enters the final stages of development, the days at the office goes by much quicker. Game developing may never be easy, but it’s especially near the end when all the separate pieces really come together that the days can be a little hectic. But it’s at the same time a lot of fun too! Every day a new feature, fix or cool effect has been implemented that makes the game a little better.

This week, all the new tracks are “finished” and enters the polish and tweak stage. Compared to Phase 1, the new tracks are much MORE in every way; they look great, are more organic, fluid and have more gameplay features. We kept the colored gates from Phase 1, but expanded it with pickups, smashable shortcuts, huge jumps and magnetic force fields that affect you depending on your color. Besides that, we also added ghosts to keep you company until we release Phase 3!

Click for a larger image.





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Android progress

Even though the focus lately has been on the iOS launch, our work on the Android version of Repulze still proceeds. Our plan is to release Repulze on Google Play shortly after Phase Two hits iOS, making February not a promise, but a pretty good bet. And if everything goes according to plan (and doesn’t it always?), the Android version will contain Phase Two from the start, closing the gap between the two platforms.

The status on the Android version so far is very good! The Android-inclined half of the office is always eager to lend their devices every time a new version is built, and currently the game runs well on Nexus 4, One X and Galaxy S3, albeit with some graphical issues. There’s a lot of work and optimizations left to do, so we’re still not sure which devices we ultimately will support. But we will keep you updated along the way!

Repulze on an HTC One-X

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Something about bugs

Bugs. No matter how well you code or how much you test, there’s bound to be one or two bugs in your software. One of the most reported bugs we got on Repulze was a rather curious one; the steering arrows slowly inched closer and closer towards the center of the screen. “How does a thing like that even occur?” you might wonder.

The answer was found in a small feature that scaled the buttons depending on device. On an iPhone, the touch area for the buttons felt too small relative to the bigger screen of an iPad, so we scaled up the buttons automatically on iPhone and iPod.

Unfortunately, this happened every single time you started a new race! So for each race, the touch zone for the buttons were slightly scaled up and since the actual button graphic remains centered within the touch zone, it looked like the steering arrows moved. Simple.

The bug was quickly fixed and now we continue working on Phase 2!

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Phase Two and bug fixes

What is Repulze Phase Two?

Phase Two will be the first free content update and, basically, it’ll add new tracks and features. The plan is to have it released early February and so far we’re on schedule. We’ll announce and leak more info on this blog in the near future. So stay tuned!

First tweak-and-fix patch incoming!

We’ve submitted a first tweak-and-fix patch Tuesday 8/1 and are hoping it’ll be available soon.


  • Touch and tilt controls have been tweaked and improved.
  • Stay up-to-date with the Repulze Phase Two blog linked from the main menu.
  • Minor bug fixes.

The hope is that this will address much of the controller feedback out there. Internally, with these tweaks, we’ve shaved off several seconds per race.  Also, last but not least. Thank you for all the support and feedback! We are listening to you and these are a few changes that didn’t make it into this patch but will be available in Phase Two at the latest:

  • Drag-to-steer controls (Similar to a stick, but.. well.. different)
  • First person view
  • Ghosts
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