What's new? Reckless Racing 2 of course!
Hey all racing fans out there! We’re very sorry that this blog hasn’t been as up-to-date as we planned and hoped but now it has got an revival. So what’s new? Well a lot of things have happened since last time we shared a post to the world. That time about the awesome coffee machine we procured… One big thing we’ve been working on is Reckless Racing 2 (“omg are you serious? That’s awesome!” might be your reaction. Yes we’re very serious), a sequel to the beloved and successful Reckless Racing. The game will be available for Android and iOS in the beginning of February. For many of you, this might be old news since as this post is being written it’s only a few days left until release. But for some this is totally new and it might be fun for all of you to get an little insight in how and why we made this game.