
Repulze – Phase two track features

Repulze – Phase two track features

As Phase 2 enters the final stages of development, the days at the office goes by much quicker. Game developing may never be easy, but it’s especially near the end when all the separate pieces really come together that the days can be a little hectic. But it’s at the same time a lot of fun too! Every day a new feature, fix or cool effect has been implemented that makes the game a little better.

This week, all the new tracks are “finished” and enters the polish and tweak stage. Compared to Phase 1, the new tracks are much MORE in every way; they look great, are more organic, fluid and have more gameplay features. We kept the colored gates from Phase 1, but expanded it with pickups, smashable shortcuts, huge jumps and magnetic force fields that affect you depending on your color. Besides that, we also added ghosts to keep you company until we release Phase 3!

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