
SNEAK PEEK: Space Marshals 2 – Ava Mission Pack

SNEAK PEEK: Space Marshals 2 – Ava Mission Pack

Here’s a little sneak peek on what we are working on at the moment. Hope you like it!

The Ava Mission Pack ($2.99) is coming soon in an update to Space Marshals 2 and will include 10 new missions and loads of new functionality. Ava has quite a different and unique playstyle that is more focused on crowd control and trickery.


  1. James

    Looks good! Just release it already!

  2. J

    This looks great 🙂 Now shut up and take my money!

  3. Ronan

    Can’t wait!

  4. Thomas

    Thats great! Do you will optimize the update for ipad 12.9”? – now its jagged and some textures are low 🙁

  5. Cuz

    When coming out?
    I am so excited now!!!

  6. Robert

    I love Ava play style already

  7. Carlos EugĂȘnio dos Santos

    Top! I’m looking forward to Space Marshals 3 too!

  8. Ben

    SCHWEET! This is GREAT. The first step in more story and character development!
    Out of curiosity, does this mean that you guys are working on also adding Gavin and Uncle Garth?
    Even if not, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! Keep up the amazing work!

  9. Ben

    Do you guys at Pixelbite have a release date in mind? Just wondering.

    1. Pixelbite

      Nothing official yet – Soon ™.

      1. neogeorge

        Plz plz plz say date and time for players..
        Sir,for past years i have been playing your magnificent games only this is my favorite becoz i play every single day.
        Plz ,Take any effort you need to built space marshals 3 .
        Humbly accept my request sir.
        I know u cant read all of our reply.
        Plz just take special care of this

  10. Xavier

    Looks great, can’t wait to play with it!

  11. Joe

    I am unable to purchase the Ava Mission Pack. It was “Offloaded” when I noticed the new missions so I reloaded it (keeping my data). In App Store pressing on the $2.99 next to Mission Pack simply opens the game. I can’t see anything in the game that offers the Ava Missions.

    Running a 1st Gen iPad Pro 12.9”, latest versions of iOS and Space Marshals.

    Any assistance would be much appreciated.


    1. Pixelbite

      Hi Joe,

      Thanks for reporting this. For this DLC we tried a new App Store feature for DLC promotion – which unfortunately was enabled before the actual DLC was released. We’ve turned this promotion off again, and will turn it on manually once the DLC is available. Which is “Soon ™”.


      1. Joe

        No problem – there have been other glitches with the new App Store and I guess this can just be added to the list.

        I’m very much looking forward to the extra missions whenever you decide they are ready, but I also understand the creative genius cannot be rushed.

        Thanks for making such wonderful games for the world to enjoy!

  12. Alex Snowden

    I can’t seem to buy the new storyline 🙁 whenever I go on the storyline on the App Store it just puts me in the game and nothing happens

    1. Pixelbite

      Hi Alex,

      Thanks for reporting this. For this DLC we tried a new App Store feature for DLC promotion – which unfortunately was enabled before the actual DLC was released. We’ve turned this promotion off again, and will turn it on manually once the DLC is available. Which is “Soon ™”.


  13. CM

    Hello team.
    Any date for this realese? What does it mean ,,is coming soon,, , this november or next year 2018? Please! We wait your answer. Thank you!

    1. Pixelbite

      It will be released this November.


      1. CM

        Hello Team,
        May you answer please, if is any chance to release this Android dlc from this Friday? Or next week? Thank you. I wait your answer.

  14. Terry

    Thank you!! More please! Keep this game going!! Best game ever!!

  15. Michael Fu

    Great game again. I’ve seen this DLC in the Appstore, but when I tap the purchase button of the new ava storyline, it swtiches to the original game and no further changes. I could not find any IAP buttons in the game or main menu. Am I the only one who meet this problem?

    1. Pixelbite

      Hi Michael,

      Thanks for reporting this. For this DLC we tried a new App Store feature for DLC promotion – which unfortunately was enabled before the actual DLC was released. We’ve turned this promotion off again, and will turn it on manually once the DLC is available. Which is “Soon ™”.


  16. Kaden

    Will this game ever come to amazon app store? I really want to play this game but I cant. I have been waiting for ever to play this game and I really want to because I played the 1st game and its one of the best games I have ever played. You guys are amazing and keep up the good work.

    1. Pixelbite

      Hi there,

      Currently we don’t have any plans to port Space Marshals 2 to the Amazon Store.

      Best regards,

  17. Yang

    It’s really happy when I happened to see this news in your website , I’m a big fan of your guy’s games and I have played almost all your games. There can be DLCs based on Marshals.
    Can’t wait to buy. Is there any release time or something.

  18. cm

    Hello Team,
    May you answer please, if is any chance to release this Android dlc from this Friday? Or next week? Thank you. I wait your answer.

  19. CM

    Hi again Team,
    It is any chance to be released until this Friday this DLC for Android platform? Thank you!

    1. Pixelbite

      Hi there,

      We’re planning on using the Open Beta channel for the Android version. And it will be available there soon.

      Best regards,

      1. Cuz

        What about ios?
        Please reveal the release time,i check your website everyday!!!

  20. Cuz

    Please reveal the release time,i check your website everyday!!!
    I saw you told someone the dlc will coming out this november,so is it in Thursday of this week,next week or the week after?You know there are only two weeks to go of november.I am not rush you,just can’t wait to continue the amazing journey of SM2!

  21. neogeorge

    Hi can i get ava pack for free plzz i hacked but i could come into ur server.

  22. neogeorge

    Hi is the update games are free?

  23. Naveed Aslam

    when SM3 comes???