Howdy earthlings! We’re proud to announce that we’ve just completed the development of the first chapter for Space Marshals 3. It is going through translation and final testing as I write this, and should hit the stores later this month. We can’t wait for you to try it out!
The first release will have 12 missions, where two are free to try and the other ten makes up Chapter One. Each chapter will be unlocked with an in-app purchase. We’ve decided to go this route to hopefully fund further development of Space Marshals 3 than we otherwise could. We have plans for at least two more chapters and work on the next chapters have already begun.
Coming for the App Store and the Google Play store.

How come y’all don’t want to print money on the Nintendo Switch?
Can neither confirm or deny anything about this… yet.
Finally …
Just paid for and played Chapter 1. Loved every moment. All three games are so clean and well designed. They are difficult without being too hard. I was never bored for a second. They allow an old man like me (55 years old) to play at my speed, with stealth, skill, planning, and patience. Thank you for making none of these levels rely on SPEED. I’m so glad (at least so far) that the “timed” levels are gone. Love these games very much. Will gladly pay for every chapter released.
Wow this is a nice surprise!
Didn’t even know Space Marshals 3 was coming, to be honest.
Looks great as always, can’t wait!
Finally. I am so glad. Best game ever. I still play Space Marshall’s everyday. I had hope you had not abandoned this game. It’s the best game you produce. Cheers
Thank you everyone at Pixelbite! Space Marshals is one of the few games I can play b/c FPS give me wicked headaches! You guys rock. Can’t wait!!!
Wow. I was afraid you gave up on this project.
Cannot wait to play it. It is by far my favorite mobile game.
Absolutely agree about Nintendo Switch. Give it a short. It is a great opportunity.
Hope game will be available by the end of October.
오 드디어!! 저는 한국인(남한)입니다. 이 게임을 매우 좋아합니다. 이 게임이 나오기만을 기다리며!! 빠른시일안으로 보길 원합니다!! 픽셀바이트 화이팅!!
Finally!!My favorite game is back!So hyped for this news!
I congratulate you in good time! although I have some questions;
How many chapters will it have?
Will it be a single payment? Or chapter house will have an extra cost?
Good points. 🙂 Have updated the post to be clearer about this. Each chapter will be a separate in-app purchase. We have plans for three chapters in total, but would be awesome if we could create even more.
If all the chapters cost 4,49€ like the first one, it means a total of 13,47€… for this price it really has to have new stuff to propose. The first ones were great, but the price seems too expensive.
Having played through the first 5 parts of chapter 1, it’s well worth it. I’ll gladly buy more chapters at that price, so long as it continues to be available on ATV HD (my console of choice).
YES! Now I’m sorry I need to go celebrate this in the bar.
Man… I was waiting for this so much! Those bushes for stealth just like in Days Gone or Uncharted 4. First mobile game I’m so excited for. Thank you guys❤
I am super-hyped for this game. I really enjoyed Space Marshals and Space Marshals 2. I know you wanted to make Space Marshals 3 at some point, but hearing it will be released this month is the kind of news I appreciate!!
I am super excited, waiting for too long for third part, its the best game on play store. Played all parts and all games by pixel bite.
‘Space Marshals’ plays like ‘Splinter Cell’ or ‘Metal Gear Solid’ on phones,but ‘Space Marshals’ don’t have option for difficulty choice.I have played through All ‘Space Marshals’ levels,but I can’t get the last spare part of AVA chapter Level 11(last level of SM2).I know it needs use of UAV,but it’s so hard to operate.
Well it’s about time, we’ve been waiting so long for this.
Screenshots look promising, hoping that you Cary over lessons learned from SM2 to make SM3 totally epic.
P.S Bring back cut scenes! There was a distinct lack of them in SM2
Yeah my favourite cut scenes were the Hyperion one at the end of space marshals 1 and the bounty one in space marshals 2 at the start
I’ve seen a comment saying that Space Marshals 3 will also be on Apple TV.
I would love this.
Yes. The App Store version will be playable both on iOS and Apple TV.
I’ll be buying all chapters immediately. Your games never disappoint!
Yay!!! This just made up for all the covid blues. Thank you guys; excellent timing!
Big fan of Space Marshals and super hyped for 3. What’s the deal with that hidden ladder in New Century though?
FANTASTIC!! SM 1 & 2 are my favorite mobile games! So glad you simply sell the individual chapters and have not moved to advertisement and micro-transaction carp monetization.
BTW, while SM 1 & 2 are both fantastic games, I still like SM 1 a little bit more because to me it has smarter level design and more variety, the levels feel really unique and different. Would be awesome if SM 3 would go into this direction again. But anyways, this will be a must buy!!
Nice! This game have a kind of things that i like! Wainting for the release and launching game!
Are you gonna base the storyline off from space marshals 1 like Hyperion or space marshals HQ or is it gonna be something new
i’m waiting exited
I had waited for so long !!!! Bought all your dove marshals game
its really hard to wait…. 🙁
any update?? when its going to hit the stores???
SM1+2 are my favorite mobile games by far and still play both. Very pleased chapter 3 is on the way. Been waiting for evah!! Just take all my cash. You guys do good werk.
At this point, the reason why those great great games aren’t on the Switch is mind-blowing, not to say frustrating. I just hope whoever is calling the shots in this company considers the hybrid platform. I’m ready and so is my wallet.
Sweet! Now, is it going to take advantage of the high refresh rate screens? From 60fps all the way up to 120? Make my day better.
In next update give multiple players
In the game
Wow! I’m so excited to finally get to play the third saga of this amazing cosmic-comedy-adventure-action game!
By the way, if the studio needs some funding, why don’t you guys have something like “The Collector’s Edition” with cool background images for devices, one or two special weapon, and physical goodies like the cap that the marshals wear or something? And sell it, I’m totally buying it.
Anyways, I’m a huge fan of Space Marshals since the first time I played it, and man, HELL YEAH and take my money all you want. 2020 isn’t too bad after all.
Thanks much for part 3 🙂
I myself have gotten some “old game vibes” (this is not a casual franchise, in a good way) from this title and have replayed parts 1 and 2 a lot, after which Space Marshals was among the first games my son has played. Our family dog was named after Marshal Burton not long after that, and, not surprisingly, we’ve had numerous long discussions about what Part 3 might be like (my son came up with the return of Dr. Ondska as a main plot point almost immediately).
I was (and am) happy to see a mobile game that has, from the beginning, followed what seems to be the recipe for a good game series, and kept on coming.
Thanks for the characters, stories and, of course, the fabulous weapons, as well as some serious replayability!
I’ll be sure to provide a personal review after getting the chance to play through Chapter 1 myself 🙂
Whatever that might be, I’d say I owe you for making my son happy anyway <3